Flight Number: AVA1098 Duration: 1:45
Departure: Riga (EVRA) at 21:15 Distance: 628.58 Nm
Arrival: Kishinev (LUKK) at 23:00 Equipment: A321

Weather Information
Riga International Airport, Latvia (EVRA) 56-55N 023-58E Mar 13, 2025 - 05:20 PM EDT / 2025.03.13 2120 UTC
Wind: from the N (350 degrees) at 16 MPH (14 KT):0
Visibility: greater than 7 mile(s):0
Sky conditions: overcast Weather: light rain, snow Temperature: 33 F (1 C)
Windchill: 23 F (-5 C):1 Dew Point: 32 F (0 C) Relative Humidity: 93% Pressure (altimeter): 29.23 in. Hg (0990 hPa)
ob: EVRA 132120Z 35014KT 9999 -RASN OVC005 01/00 Q0990 NOSIG cycle: 21
Sunrise: 04:47 Sunset: 16:19 (UTC)

Chisinau International Airport, Moldova (LUKK) 46-55-40N 028-55-51E Mar 13, 2025 - 05:00 PM EDT / 2025.03.13 2100 UTC
Wind: from the W (270 degrees) at 10 MPH (9 KT):0
Visibility: greater than 7 mile(s):0 Temperature: 62 F (17 C) Dew Point: 48 F (9 C) Relative Humidity: 59% Pressure (altimeter): 29.62 in. Hg (1003 hPa)
ob: LUKK 132100Z 27009KT CAVOK 17/09 Q1003 NOSIG cycle: 21
Sunrise: 04:22 Sunset: 16:04 (UTC)

TAF:2025/03/13 18:24 TAF TAF LUKK 131720Z 1318/1418 20014KT CAVOK TEMPO 1318/1320 24018G28KT BECMG 1320/1322 26009KT PROB40 TEMPO 1323/1403 SCT045CB BECMG 1410/1412 20009KT

Previous Pireps for this route
Date Flightnr Aircraft Flight time Fuel used Landing rate On time
(pireps marked green are flown by you)

Route map