Flight Number: AVA3145 |
Duration: 1:30 |
Departure: Toussaint Louverture Airport (MTPP) at 15:00 |
Distance: 524.999 Nm |
Arrival: St.Maarten / Juliana (TNCM) at 16:30 |
Equipment: B737
Weather Information
Port-Au-Prince / Aeroport International, Haiti (MTPP) 18-34N 072-18W 34M
Feb 04, 2025 - 06:00 PM EST / 2025.02.04 2300 UTC
Wind: from the WNW (300 degrees) at 8 MPH (7 KT) (direction variable):0
Visibility: 5 mile(s):0
Sky conditions: mostly cloudy
Temperature: 82 F (28 C)
Dew Point: 71 F (22 C)
Relative Humidity: 69%
Pressure (altimeter): 29.95 in. Hg (1014 hPa)
ob: MTPP 042300Z 30007KT 280V340 9000 BKN026 28/22 Q1014 A2995
cycle: 23
Sunrise: 11:23 Sunset: 22:42 (UTC)
Juliana Airport, Saint Maarten, Netherlands Antilles (TNCM) 18-03N 063-07W 9M
Feb 05, 2025 - 03:00 AM EST / 2025.02.05 0800 UTC
Wind: from the ENE (060 degrees) at 10 MPH (9 KT) (direction variable):0
Visibility: greater than 7 mile(s):0
Sky conditions: partly cloudy
Weather: showers in the vicinity
Temperature: 77 F (25 C)
Dew Point: 71 F (22 C)
Relative Humidity: 83%
Pressure (altimeter): 29.97 in. Hg (1015 hPa)
ob: TNCM 050800Z 06009KT 040V100 9999 VCSH SCT016 25/22 Q1015 RMK VCSH NE
cycle: 8
Sunrise: 10:46 Sunset: 22:06 (UTC)
TAF:2025/02/04 18:30
TAF TNCM 041607Z 0418/0518 07009KT 9999 SCT018 PROB40
TEMPO 0512/0518 6000 SHRA BKN016
Previous Pireps for this route