Flight Number: AVA6083 Duration: 4:00
Departure: Bishkek Manas (UAFM) at 15:00 Distance: 1425 Nm
Arrival: Dubai Intl Airport (OMDB) at 19:00 Equipment: MD-81

Weather Information
Bishkek/Manas Airport, Kyrgyzstan (UAFM) 42-51N 074-35E Mar 30, 2013 - 07:30 PM EDT / 2013.03.30 2330 UTC
Wind: from the ESE (110 degrees) at 11 MPH (10 KT):0
Visibility: greater than 7 mile(s):0 Temperature: 53 F (12 C) Dew Point: 35 F (2 C) Relative Humidity: 50% Pressure (altimeter): 29.88 in. Hg (1012 hPa)
ob: UAFM 302330Z 11005MPS CAVOK 12/02 Q1012 08CLRD70 NOSIG cycle: 23
Sunrise: 02:15 Sunset: 12:16 (UTC)

Dubai International Airport, United Arab Emirates (OMDB) 25-15N 055-20E 5M Feb 05, 2025 - 03:30 AM EST / 2025.02.05 0830 UTC
Wind: from the SE (130 degrees) at 5 MPH (4 KT) (direction variable):0
Visibility: greater than 7 mile(s):0 Temperature: 73 F (23 C) Dew Point: 48 F (9 C) Relative Humidity: 40% Pressure (altimeter): 30.00 in. Hg (1016 hPa)
ob: OMDB 050830Z 13004KT 070V210 CAVOK 23/09 Q1016 NOSIG cycle: 8
Sunrise: 03:01 Sunset: 14:03 (UTC)

TAF:2025/02/05 06:30 TAF TAF OMDB 050500Z 0506/0612 16005KT 8000 NSC BECMG 0508/0510 33010KT BECMG 0515/0517 07005KT PROB30 0600/0605 4000 HZ BECMG 0604/0606 17010KT BECMG 0610/0612 35010KT

This route has never been flown.

Route map